Want to know Who We Are? We're FRee FRiends (don't mix up with France :) ) ! We are COOL StarCraft CLAN ! Feel FRee to talk at our english forum, and if you play good - you can join us !! And, of course, you can help our english site come better! Together we come better !!! To talk - come to our ENGLISH FORUM If you want to join our clan - LEAVE YOUR REQUEST HERE
You may have some problems because we have no english registration, sorry, please message to chatbox :) Let's just translate :-)
Логин *: - Login -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Пароль *: Password Пароль (подтверждение) *: Password again :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Полное имя *: Your full name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail адрес *: well, your E-mail ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Домашняя страница: your Home webpage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICQ номер: ICQ number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Дата рождения: your Birth date (!)Be careful !!! 1st field - Year, 2nd - Month, 3rd - Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ваш пол: Мужчина/Женщина -- sex (Man/Woman) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Аватар (www адрес): here you can coose your Avatar [ Выбрать аватар | Загрузить свой аватар ] [Choose avatar | Download your own avatar] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ваша подпись: -- Your sign - Максимум 250 символов (Max. 250 symbols, BB codes not allowed) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Код *: --you must enter a symbols on the picture to the right )) --------- After registration, you'll receive an e-mail to your email address, click the link And you REGISTERED !! After that, you can add answers in the forum and create themes. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN !!!!!